George A. Lozano

Lozano, L., Põder, T. and Lozano, G. A. 2023 Bariatric surgery: preparations and quality of life consequences. Journal of Surgery Research and Practice. 4(3): 4303. (pdf file).
Lozano, G. A. and Ros, A. F. H. 2022. Immunoecology of species with alternative reproductive tactics and strategies. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research Article ID 3248731. (pdf file).
Lozano, G. A. 2017. Committed to the insurance hypothesis of obesity. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40: e121. (pdf file).
(pdf file).
Lozano, G. A. 2015. SAD effects on grantsmanship. BioEssays 37(1): 10-11. (pdf file).
Lozano, G. A. 2014. Ethics of using language editing services in an era of digital communication and heavily multi-authored papers. Science and Engineering Ethics 20(2): 363-367. (pdf file).
Lozano, G.A. 2014. Specificity in parasites with multiple hosts: the view from the hosts’ perspective. Ideas in Ecology and Evolution 7: 25-26. (pdf file).
Larivière, V., Lozano, G. A. and Gingras, Y. 2014. Are elite journals declining? Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 65(4):649–655. (pdf file).
Lozano, G. A. 2013. The elephant in the room: multi-authorship and the assessment of individual researchers. Current Science 105(4): 443-445. (pdf file).
Lozano, G. A., Lank, D. B. and Addison, B. 2013. Immune and oxidative stress trade-offs in four classes of ruffs (Philomachus pugnax) with alternative reproductive strategies. Canadian Journal of Zoology 91 (4): 212-218. (pdf file).
Lozano, G. A., Larivière, V. and Gingras, Y. 2012. The weakening relationship between the Impact Factor and papers’ citations in the digital age. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 63(11): 2140-2145. (see popular media coverage below). (pdf file).
Lozano, G. A. 2010. A new criterion for allocating research funds: “impact per dollar”. Current Science 99(9): 1187-1188. (pdf file).
Lozano, G. A. 2010. Evolutionary explanations in medicine: how do they differ and how to benefit from them. Medical Hypotheses 74(4): 746-749. (pdf file).
Lozano, G. A. 2009. The other side of the coin: intersexual selection and the expression of emotions to signal youth or maturity. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32(5): 398-399. (pdf file).
Lozano, G. A. 2009. Multiple cues in mate selection: the sexual interference hypothesis. BioScience Hypotheses 2: 37-42. (pdf file).
Lozano, G. A. 2008. Obesity and sexually selected anorexia nervosa. Medical Hypotheses 71: 933-940. (pdf file).
Lozano, G. A. and Lank, D. B. 2004. Immunocompetence and testosterone-induced condition traits in male ruffs (Philomachus pugnax). Animal Biology 54(4): 315-329. (pdf file).
Lozano, G. A. and Lank, D. B. 2003. Seasonal trade-offs in cell-mediated immunosenescence in ruffs (Philomachus pugnax). Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B 270: 1203-1208. (pdf file).
Lozano, G. A. and Ydenberg, R. C. 2002. Transgenerational effects of maternal immune challenge in tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor). Canadian Journal of Zoology 80: 918-925. (pdf file).
Lozano, G. A. 2001. Carotenoids, immunity and sexual selection: comparing apples and oranges? American Naturalist 158: 200-203. (pdf file).
Lozano, G. A. 2000. Letter to the editor. Nature 403 (6770): 825. (pdf file).
Lozano, G. A. and Lemon, R. E. 1999. Effects of prior residence and age on breeding performance in yellow warblers. Wilson Bulletin 111: 381-388. (pdf file).
Lozano, G. A. 1998. Parasitic stress and self-medication in wild animals. In . Møller, A. P., Milinski, M., and Slater, P. J. B. (Eds.). Advances in the Study of Behavior Volume 27, Stress and Behavior. Chapter 6, pp. 291-317. Academic Press, London. (Book chapter-invited contribution-see popular media coverage below: “Expert Instinct” and “Pharmucopia”). (pdf file).
Lozano, G. A. and Lemon, R. E. 1998. Adoption of yellow warbler nestlings by song sparrows. Wilson Bulletin 110(1): 131-133. (pdf file).
Lozano, G. A. and Lemon, R. E. 1998. Parental care responses by yellow warblers (Dendroica petechia) to simultaneous manipulations of food abundance and brood size. Canadian Journal of Zoology 76: 916-924. (pdf file).
LaFleur, D. L., Lozano, G. A. and Sclafani, M. 1997. Female mate choice copying in guppies, Poecilia reticulata: a re-evaluation. Animal Behaviour 54: 579-586. (pdf file).
Lozano, G. A. and Lemon, R. E. 1996. Male plumage, paternal care and reproductive success in yellow warblers, Dendroica petechia. Animal Behaviour 51: 265-272. (pdf file).
Lemon, R. E., Perreault S. and Lozano, G. A. 1996. Breeding dispersions and site fidelity of American redstarts (Setophaga ruticilla). Canadian Journal of Zoology 74(12): 2238-2247. (pdf file).
Lozano, G. A., Perreault S. and Lemon, R. E. 1996. Age, arrival date, and reproductive success of male American redstarts, Setophaga ruticilla. Journal of Avian Biology 27: 164-170. (pdf file).
Lozano, G. A. and Handford, P. T. 1995. A test of an assumption of delayed plumage maturation hypotheses using female tree swallows. Wilson Bulletin 107: 153-164. (pdf file).
Lozano, G. A. and Lemon, R. E. 1995. Food abundance and parental care in yellow warblers (Dendroica petechia). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 37: 45-50. (pdf file).
Lozano, G. A. 1994. Carotenoids, parasites, and sexual selection. Oikos 70: 309-311. (see popular media coverage below). (pdf file).
Lozano, G. A. 1994. Size, condition, and territoriality in male tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor). Canadian Journal of Zoology 72(2): 330-333. (pdf file).
Lozano, G. A. 1991. Optimal foraging theory: a possible role for parasites. Oikos 60: 391-395. (pdf file).
By me
Lozano, G. A. 2013. Registered Reports: a new publishing initiative aimed at countering publication bias. London School of Economics’ Impact of Social Sciences blog. September 24 (link).
Lozano, G. A. 2013. Elite journals are losing their position of privilege London School of Economics’ Impact of Social Sciences blog. May 16 (link).
Lozano, G. A. 2012. Kuidas mõõta teaduse tõhusust? [Measuring the effectiveness of science funding]. Eesti Loodus [Estonian Nature] 63(9): 40-43. (link)
Lozano, G. A. 2012. The Demise of the impact factor? London School of Economics’ Impact of Social Sciences blog. June 6 (link).
Lozano, G. A. 2010. Evolutsion tuleb meditsiinile appi [Evolution helps medicine]. Tarkade Klubi [Wise Club] 39(3): 24-25 (link) (in English).
Lozano, G. A. 2003. Letter to the editor. Sexual differences in human risk-taking behaviour. Ottawa Citizen, January 5. (pdf file).
About my work
Todd, M. 2013. The pernicious mission creep of ranking academic journals. Pacific Standard Magazine. July 31 (link).
Nexon, D. 2013. Measuring journal (and scholarly) outcomes. The Duck of Minerva, June 19 (link)
Palmer, C. 2013 Journals guilty of citation inflation. The Scientist. June 21 (link)
Shema, H. 2013. Elite journals: to hell in a handbasket? Scientific American-Information Culture blog. May 2 (link).
Jakobsen, A, Ø. 2013. Science og Nature bliver mindre vigtige [Science and Nature become less important] [Science Denmark]. January 26 (link).
Anon. 2012. Einfluss der großen Wissenschaftsmagazine sinkt. [Influence of major science magazines falls]. Der Spiegel [The Mirror]. Nov. 12 (link).
Twadell, I. 2012. High impact factor scientific journals are becoming less influential. Bang! Oxford’s Graphically Gorgeous Science Magazine. Nov. 12 (link).
Cliche, J. F. 2012. L’influence des grandes revues s’étiole. [The influence of scientific journals withers]. Sciences dessus dessous [Science above below]. Nov. 12 (link).
Загорская, Дарья [Zagorskaya, D.] 2012. Интернет перераспределил роли в мире научной литературы [Internet’ role in redistributing the world’s scientific literature]. Россия 24 [Russia 24 News]. Nov. 9 (link).
Cossins, D. 2012. Less Influence for high-impact journals. The Scientist. Nov 8 (link).
Basken, P. 2012. Top-ranked journals are losing their share of top-cited articles. Percolator- The Chronicle of Higher Education. Nov. 8 (link).
Kanger, L. 2012. Huvitav teadus kolib tippajakirjadest järk-järgult välja. [Interesting research is moving gradually out of the top journals]. Eesti Rahvusringhääling [Estonian Public Broadcasting]. Nov. 7 (link).
Anon. 2012. Declining influence of high impact journals documented. Science Daily. Nov. 7 (link).
Nancy, D. 2012. L'influence des Nature, Science et JAMA décline [Study reveals declining influence of high impact factor journals]. Forum de la Université de Montréal. Vol. 47, No. 10. Nov. 5 (link).
Meyer, R. 2012. Thanks to the web, even scientists are reading for the articles. The Atlantic. July 9 (link).
Curry, S. 2012. Open Access: Money and Data talk and say the same thing? Reciprocal Space blog. Imperial College, London. May 30 (link).
Day, C. 2012. The impact factor’s declining impact. Physics Today Online blog. May 22 (link).
Shieber, S. 2012. More reason to outlaw Impact Factors from personnel discussions. The Occasional Pamphlet Bog. Harvard. June 14 (link).
Javois, J. 2010. Evolutsioonibioloogia aitab mõista ühiskonda terikuna [Evolutionary biology helps to understand society as a whole]. Eesti Loodus [Estonian Nature] 61(2): 86-90 (link).
Featuring me (commenting on others' work)
Withers, M. 2008. Modern persuasions and foreign liaisons. The Baltic Times. December 3 (link).
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. 2003. Brightest beak signals a healthy male. July 3 (link).
Pennisi, E. 2003. Colorful males flaunt their health. Science 300: 29-30 (pdf file).
Expert Instinct. 2000. Pharmucopia. Presenter: Jolyon Jenkins. Producer: Paul Arnold. British Broadcasting Corporation - Radio 4. Aired April 24, 2000 (audio below).
Walker, M. 2000. She’s gotta have it. New Scientist 165(2223): 22-26 (January 29) (link).
Furlow, B. 2000. Kills all known germs. New Scientist 165(2222): 36-39 (January 22) (link).