George A. Lozano
Evolution (3rd or 4th Year)
I have taught two version of this course. In addition to the usual lectures, one course had tutorials, which were discussion sessions, and a paper based on those discussions. The other course one instead had a laboratory component with some lab reports.
The first time, the course was roughly based on the lecture notes of my friend, Bernie Crespi, who gave me his course notes when he learned that I had foolishly agreed to teach a course on evolution with almost no time to prepare. Of course, I changed, updated, and digitized things as I went along. Any errors are mine alone.
As you can see in the background photo, Darwin (1809-1882) was at one time a little younger and did not always have a long white beard. ​The background graphic in the other pages is an allusion to Darwin's last paragraph on "the Origin"