George A. Lozano
Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy
Vertebrate Anatomy BIOL 387
Instructor: Dr. George A. Lozano
Office, phone, etc : N/A
Course Description
The Official Version: Study of anatomical structures of a representative series of vertebrates from a comparative and evolutionary perspective, with some special emphasis on the mammals. In laboratory periods, representatives of selected classes of vertebrates are dissected. (3 credits)
Prerequisites: BIOL 225, 226, 227.
Lectures: TBA
Labs.- TBA
My 2 ¢.- A university course should be a joyful, fruitful and challenging exchange of ideas. I will do everything I can to make it so, and I hope you will do likewise. It will require a high level of work, competence and achievement, so please do not assume it is going to be a walk in the park.
In this course the ability to memorize vast quantities of information will only get you half way there. Whenever possible I will emphasize comprehending concepts, not memorizing facts. You must understand these concepts such that you are able to recognize them in different situations, and apply them in new and unexpected ways. You will be tested on your ability to synthesize, summarize, comprehend and extrapolate, rather than on your ability to memorize.
The lectures will cover the evolutionary history of vertebrates, with particular attention to the evolution of their organ systems. The laboratories will provide you with a comparative perspective of vertebrate anatomy and morphology, and will be integrated with the lectures as much as possible. This course represents a unique chance to examine the results of millions of years of evolution of a familiar group of animals. It should lead you to view Homo sapiens more modestly and realistically, as merely one among many thousands of vertebrates, and certainly not as the pinnacle of “creation”. Evolution has no pre-ordained aims; the vertebrate lineage just happens to have produced animals with trunks, animals with slimy scales, animals with colourful plumages and animals with big heads.
Liem, K. F, Bemis, W. E., Walker, W. F, Jr. and Grande, L 2000. Functional Anatomy of the Vertebrates, 3rd edition. Brooks Cole Publishing. ~$125
Walker, W. F, Jr. and Homberger, D. G. 2003. Vertebrate dissection 9th edition. Brooks Cole Publishing.~ $80
Both books are available from the bookstore, where they are also available as a bundle for $177. Used and cheaper copies are surely floating around, in cyberspace perhaps.
Web sites and links
The Tree of Life
Digital Morphology
Classroom success
Grading and Exams
Exams.- Exams will cover all previously covered material, not just the last week, or the last month, and not just the material covered since the previous exam. Make sure you learn the material as we go along and do not wait until the day before an exam to find start studying, like I used to do.
Evaluation % of total Date/time
Midterm lab 18 Week of Feb 8
Final lab 27
Midterm (80 minutes): 22 In class, Feb 2
Final exam (180 minutes) 33
Academic Honesty.- Please check the university’s official web page on academic fraud.